Physical and Psychological sufferings of patients dealing with a condition like Cancer has made a deep impact and galvanized our Cancer research efforts .In our quest to address these issues, we at Muniyal Ayurveda have designed and developed an innovative line of treatment for Cancer called Mahoshadha Kalpa
It is known that abnormal cell division is the genesis of cancer. But the exact cause for such a rapid and uncoordinated growth is not explained by modern medical science.
Our research leads us to believe that Disturbed Cellular Intelligence leads to abnormal cell division causing cancer. This disturbance can be attributed to vitiation of food, environment and consciousness. To correct this disturbance and awaken cellular intelligence an Integrated and Holistic approach is necessary which improves the overall health and brings about a strong sense of well-being in patients. This will bring about positive reinforcement both in the mind and body of the patient.
Mahoshada Kalpa
Kalpas are unique lines of treatment developed by Muniyal Ayurveda for treating chronic disorders. It is a combination of several Ayurvedic procedures, proprietary and classical ayurvedic medicines manufactured by Muniyal Ayurveda.
The treatment principle is developed on 3 pillars:
Curative: To Correct and control the abnormal cell division that leads to cancer. To control cancer growth progression and prevent metastasis.
Preventive: To detoxify the body by chelating heavy metals and scavenging free radicals. To achieve Bio-purification of the body
Rejuvenative: To Rejuvenate and Revitalize the patient both physically and mentally. This will immensely benefit the patient, who has been undergoing intense cancer treatment and interventions from a long duration. The rejuvenating treatment and therapies will help the patient start a fresh new life.
Lifestyle / supplementary care:
- Prevention of food-related (Aahara) diseases by adopting clinical diet
- Adoption of Dinacharya (daily regimen) and Rutucharya (seasonal regimen) to counter the environmental ill effects.
- Practice of Samata and Maitri Dhyana, Yoga and Pranayama for Chitta Shuddhi and Vipassana Dhyana to control the cancer growth progression.
- Rejuvenation of body cells by Pyramid therapy.
Benefits of Mahoshada Kalpa
- Early restoration of health – prolongs life span.
- No ill effects like hair fall, organ damage, etc.
- Early treatment provides better efficacy and benefits.
- Helps prevent Metastasis
- Treatment is economical, compared to prevailing lines of treatment.
- Can be used along with chemotherapy and radiation.
- Proper spiritual guidance and counseling improves will power to face the disease, and wards-off fear of death.
More than 350 cancer patients have received the Mahoshadha Kalpa treatment. On evaluation, the results of this treatment have been highly encouraging. Results have been detailed in the case study reports.
We have successfully helped patients diagnosed with different types of cancer and under different stages of treatment as listed below
- Recently diagnosed and not administered any form of conventional treatment,
- Administered conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
- Discontinued chemo/radiotherapy.
- Post-surgical procedures
Mahoshadha Kalpa treatment has provided complete cure in several cases of thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer and lymphomas. In most cases we could help the patient in various aspects i.e.; improving the quality of life, prolonging life span and life expectancy, development of positive attitude, minimizing the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
This positive result has further encouraged us to work towards making this holistic line of treatment available to maximum number of people suffering from cancer.
Few Short case studies suggesting the effectiveness of Mahoshadha Kalpa
A 27 year old female patient approached Muniyal Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre with the complaint of a swelling in the anterior aspect of neck since two months. There was no apparent constitutional symptoms. She had consulted a surgeon with the presentation of “multi-nodular goiter”.
On examination, the swelling was firm, nodular and moving up during deglutition. No lymph nodes involved.
Blood Pressure : 150/100 mmHg.
Thyroid profile: T3 : 112 ng/dL(normal range: 60 – 200)
T4 : 2.6 µg/dL(normal range: 4.5 – 12.0)
TSH : 97.48 µIU/mL(normal range: 0.30 – 5.5)
Treatment: I. Oral medication: Muneks tablets, Kanchanara guggulu, Munipyrin tablets
II. Pyramid therapy
III. Meditation
After 45 days of above treatment, the swelling is markedly reduced
Blood Pressure: 140/86 mmHg.
Thyroid profile: T3 : 101 ng/dL(normal range: 60 – 200),
T4 : 6.3 µg/dL(normal range: 4.5 – 12.0)
TSH : 20.34 µIU/mL (normal range: 0.30 – 5.5)
She continued the treatment for six months, her TSH level came to 5.2 µIU/mL
with no clinical features.
A 61 years old lady with carcinoma of sigmoid colon, post-operative, post chemotherapy with the metastasis at Liver and Lungs approached our hospital with the complaint of loss of appetite, gaseous distension of abdomen and mild cough. She was treated under Mahoshadha Kalpa. She is on regular follow up since 12 months with substantial improvement in her condition.
Her SGOT and SGPT levels which was elevated have significantly come down with increase in appetite and reduction in gaseous distension of abdomen.
A diagnosed case of papillary carcinoma of thyroid, with a swelling in the anterior part of neck was treated under Mahoshadha Kalpa. He took the treatment for about 4 years with regular follow up.
He is also a diagnosed case of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and renal failure. He had complaints of general debility, loss of appetite, pedal oedema and exertional dyspnea. He is showing improvement in all these symptoms, swelling of neck has reduced .Blood urea has reduced from 87.00 mg to 49.00 mg, serum creatinine from 2.1 to 1.8. Thyroid Stimulating hormone reduced from 46.5 to 14.53(normal: 0.3 – 5.5) within 45 days which eventually got normalised by the end of three months (4.8IU/ml). This patient eventually showed no symptoms of thyroid cancer and his swelling in the neck was completely relieved.
A female patient aged about 40 years with infiltrating ductal carcinoma of right breast, post-operative but without any chemotherapy or radiation is under the treatment of Mahoshadha Kalpa since last 1 1/2 years.
She has showed good improvement in general condition like weight, appetite and haemoglobin and has shown no signs of metastasis.
A 60 year old male patient with bronchogenic carcinoma of the upper lobe of left lung approached Muniyal Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre two years back with the complaint of severe cough and breathlessness. He has not received any conventional cancer treatment.
After 2 months of treatment his cough reduced significantly and there no signs of metastasis. Treatment was continued for a period of two years with no serious episodes of symptoms but with dramatic remission in respiratory symptoms. CT scan done indicated no signs of bronchogenic carcinoma.
A 30 year old lady with carcinoma of lung was on chemotherapy with severe adverse reactions like weakness, vomiting, and oral ulcers. Her lesion was found to be chemo resistant. She is under Mahoshadha Kalpa treatment since one year.
Her symptoms like cough and breathlessness have considerably reduced; adverse effects of chemotherapy has subsided. There are no signs of metastasis.
A60 year old male patient, a diagnosed case of bronchogenic carcinoma (post-operative and chemo resistant) approached with the complaints of cough with haemoptysis, dyspnea and general debility.
He is also a known case of Type II Diabetes mellitus. His complaints like haemoptysis, cough and dyspnea drastically reduced in a month’s treatment.
He became almost asymptomatic after the treatment for about 12 months. CT scan of lungs indicated no signs of carcinoma. He is continuing the treatment since 7 years.
A diagnosed case of carcinoma of oesophagus and hard palate approached for treatment under Mahoshadha Kalpa. He had the complaints of dysphagia, loss of appetite, loss of taste, general debility, and cough with whitish sputum.
During the course of treatment his cough was substantially reduced, appetite improved and taste sensation is slightly better. USG of abdomen did not show any signs of metastasis.
Follow up endoscopy indicated no signs of carcinoma.
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