Ayurveda – An invaluable gift by ancient sages

It is the duty of every person to keep his body and mind healthy. Ayurveda is a very effective medium which is being used since ancient times for this.

‘Ayurveda is a Veda related to life. Whichever materials are necessary for getting relief from diseases and for a healthy life, are incorporated in Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda describes very well the effect of food and materials having sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and acidic taste on dosha (Disorder), dhatu (Humour of the body as phelgm, wind, bile) and mala (Feculence/excrement).

‘‘न अनौषधं जगति किंचित् द्रव्यं उपलभ्यते’’

चरक सू २६-१२

Ayurveda states that, ‘There is not a single substance in the world which cannot be used as a medicine.’

Place occupied by Dhanvantari Deity and prayers in Ayurveda

Dhanvantari Deity who destroys disease and offers health, occupies a special place in Ayurveda. Prayers have been regarded as having immense importance at every stage, that is, while selecting any herb orplant, processing and consuming it.

Understand the importance of Ayurveda

Nowadays, people start allopathic treatment even for a simple unrest. ‘Importance of Ayurveda’ as told by ancient sages is conveniently disregarded. Allopathic medicines may have side-effects or some other complications may arise. There is no possibility of any such risk in Ayurvedic medicines. Hence a person can become healthy and live long by taking a Ayurvedic medicines. Having realised the importance of Ayurveda, now foreign countries are trying for a ‘patent’ of Ayurvedic medicines.

Modernisation of Ayurvedic medicines

There is a conception that Ayurvedic medicines start showing effects on the patients after a long time; hence they are not of much help in treating severe and critical diseases. So tablets and injections should be made by separating active components namely alkalides, glycosidesfrom these medicines.’

O children, Ayurveda is an invaluable gift given to us by our Sages. Remember, you have to shoulder the responsibility to preserve this rich heritage of Hindu culture.

Source: https://www.hindujagruti.org/hinduism-for-kids/504.html

Image source: http://afterbehind.blogspot.in/2015_05_01_archive.html

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