These days acidity and heart burn are more common in people. There are many things which causes acidity in human body. People who drink bed coffee/ tea or those who drink tea/coffee multiple times a day like more than 4 – 5 times. Drinking alcohol regularly, skipping meals can cause acidity. Spicy food, fast food with masala etc can also cause acidity.
GERD ( Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) affects millions of people each day and is a more serious form of acid reflux. It is the most common digestive disorder in the United States. In fact, Americans alone spend more than $15 billion on acid blocking medications each year.
It is possible that you have found some relief from your condition by using over-the-counter pills or even some prescription medication. The problem with either of these options is that they don’t address the root of the issue, they only cover up the symptoms.
Although it seems like acid reflux and GERD or the “burn” as you may describe it, is the result of too much acid, it is the result of too little acid. That’s right, an interesting point supporting this theory is both heartburn and GERD increase as we age, however, the amount of stomach acid that we have decreases.
Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD of the Tahoma Clinic in Washington state found that people who are suffering from heartburn and GERD have low, not high, stomach acid. In fact, in all of Wright’s twenty-five years of observation, he very rarely ever saw anyone with too much acid.
Now, you may ask if heartburn and GERD are the results of too little acid, why do antacid medications take away the uncomfortable symptoms? It is important to understand that what causes the burn is stomach acid refluxing into the esophagus. Any amount of acid in the esophagus will cause discomfort because it is not designed to protect from this. You don’t have to have too much acid to cause the reflux or the pain – any amount will do this.
Simply taking an antacid will not get to the root of the problem, it is only suppressing a symptom of the larger issue. Western medicine is notorious for doing this – suppressing a symptom without dealing with the larger problem at hand.
GERD is caused by an increase in pressure of the intra-abdominal area. Reflux happens with the pressure causes bloating that pushes the contents of the stomach (including acid) through the LES (lower esophageal sphincter ) into the esophagus. There are many factors that contribute to this including, overeating, obesity, bending over after eating, lying down after eating and eating spicy or fatty food
Following food gives relief to acidity:
1. Bananas. This low-acid fruit can help those with acid reflux by coating an irritated esophageal lining and thereby helping to combat discomfort. Due to their high-fiber content, bananas also can help strengthen your digestive system — which can help ward off indigestion. One soluble fiber found in bananas is pectin, which helps move stomach contents through your digestive tract. And that’s a good thing — because food that sticks around will only continue to generate acid.
2. Melons. Like bananas, melons also are a highly alkaline fruit. They are a good source of magnesium, which is found in many medicines for acid reflux. Furthermore, melons have a pH of 6.1, making them only mildly acidic. Especially good are cantaloupe and honeydew melon.
3. Oatmeal. Like other high-fiber foods, oatmeal may help stave off acid reflux symptoms. Fiber not only promotes intestinal health, but it also reduces constipation and makes you feel full a long while after eating it. And, of course, when you feel full, you are less likely to overeat and therefore less likely to regurgitate what’s in your stomach into your esophagus. Enjoy your oatmeal with low-fat or almond milk, as both are low in fat and highly alkaline.
4. Yogurt. Like bananas, yogurt has a soothing effect that helps keep stomach discomfort at bay. It also contains probiotics, a type of good bacteria found in the digestive tract that gives a boost to your immune system. Being a good protein source means yogurt also improves your ability to properly digest food. Make yogurt even more impactful by adding in a bit of ginger, which can act as an anti-inflammatory in your system.
5. Green Vegetables. If you like green vegetables and have acid reflux, you’re in luck. Asparagus, spinach, kale and brussels sprouts all are highly alkaline, meaning they’re good for your stomach and digestive system. Being naturally low in fat and sugar, vegetables also help lessen stomach acid.
(Image: Representation only)
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